Dave was a street rider at heart. We'd take off from Golden Gate Park
and blaze around San Francisco. He was a guy who was hard to keep up
with. Wall rides on the sides of busses just before they took off and
huge airs off curbs. We rode the Embarcadero a lot - the Mecca
for early street skating - and do a lot of the ledge tricks like blunts
and nose picks. You could say I was tech and he went big.
The stuff we did on the street was a mish-mash of freestyle tricks,
jumping, and skateboard tricks. Most tricks started with "I wonder
if..." or "check this out..." Dave creditted me for inventing blunts
and nose-picks on a bike but not long after he saw the nose-pick, he
was doing doing them on mailboxes. That should have been photographed.
I decided the trick was his.
San Francisco is an awesome place to ride street because there's
so much available within riding distance. Regular spots for us were the
Embarcadero, Pier 39, Market Street and the Van Ness run. Hills provided
excellent opportunities for a little air. Especially where there were wheelchair
access ramps at the top of a hill. Van Ness street has a good run from
the wharf to Market Street - right side.
Dave entered two street contests - the one he threw in northern
California and the first 2-Hip Meet the Street in Santee California.
He placed 7th and his frustration with the sport showed by throwing his
bike in practice.
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