Well the theater is being sessioned every thursday night like clockwork now. Although the VANS park in Woodbridge, VA is now defunct we still get together and ride and catch up on the weeks activities. It's so great to get a chance to see such amazing riders all in one small and dusty old theater tearing up some wooden ramps. We're not done building in here either. More stuff will be added as room is made available and wood is acquired. We still want to bowl a corner and make the spine wider. Check back to see some pics of the riding taking place. Until then, check out the pics of what's happened so far and meet some of the riders who are rippin' it up.

Here is the lone pic of me so far during these sessions. I decided I'd better get down to business and use that coaster brake to show everyone what pivots are all about. The Maiden Power Pivot...Dizz Hicks...two quintisential presences in my history of riding. I once again dedicate this pic to John "Dizz" Hicks. Thanks for being who you are brother. Check out the Kicktionary page for more pics of kickturn madness in the warehouse. Rob right before he tweaks a Maiden Power pivot

Craig Stang...two words that define freestyler. Craig started riding WAY back when and kept riding all through the 90's when it was a "dead sport". One of the most motivated riders I've met in a long time and always one of the best riding attitudes around. He has recently switched to cruisers and took his DEEP bag of tricks with him. Be sure to check out Craigs skills on the Kicktionary pages. Here's some pics of the man in action.
Craig stalls a nosepick on the wallride board The Money Shot Craig spins a big front wheel 540
Craig hits the wall with speed Craig looking for a place to touch down
Craig Stang wall taps from the mini quarter without touching the board on the way up...just rolls down it on re-entry. BIG!

Craig Worley...another die hard rider who has been riding forever. Yet he still has that stoke that won't go away. Progression and originality fuel his riding and he's one to blow doors and get it done. He switched to cruisers years ago and has developed a style that just makes you wish you were that dailed on your bike. He brought out his modified Redline Rl-20 II for last weeks ride. We put the bike through some hectic moves and found that despite the 12 1/4 inch tall bottom bracket, we still love the bike.
Worley can fly through the air with the greatest of ease The Redline RL20 II being put through a powermower X up Fufanu on his cruiser
Worley streching a lawnmower to it's limits

Curtis Miller used to work at Capitol Bikes back in the days when I used to go there alot. When I met him last year at our tuesday night bike rides at VANS I instantly recognized him as the guy behind the counter from the 80's. He has recently made the switch to a cruiser size bike but has been riding his 20 inch at the warehouse. Glad to have him join us for these rides and finally get some pics of him up on this web site. Happy Birthday Curtis!
Curtis with a picture perfect nosepick Nose stall on the wallride booster Carving a wallride

Jon Saunders is a name you have heard. If not, you better act like you know...when you see him ride you'll remember forever the ease in which he smoothly executes all tricks. Known for his superhuman bunnyhop skills and super friendly attitude, Jon is one of the most adaptive and skilled street riders around. Jon pulls big carved wallrides to 180 out so smooth it barely leaves a sound and boosts airs on the mini quarter that defy gravity. Here he lays waste to the ramps while listening to the theme song from the movie "Convoy". 10-4 Rubber Duck...
Boosting out of the wedge Jon pulls 4 feet on the 4 footer Adapt and innovate...two words Jon knows well

Lex is a great rider. Not only has he become a great rider with his tricks, but he also has acheived the vision of what makes a great rider. Pulling our "old school" tricks out and dusting them off, he makes them fit his progressive and innovative riding style. He is constantly evolving the tricks into modern adaptations and that makes riding with him fun.
Table top in the dusty air Lex hangs one out over the deck at hieght CLICK!
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