The first annual Rockville BMX reunion Jam was held on August 7th of 2004. Permission to use the lot across from the old Rockville BMX store location was denied by the Montgomery county school board, who own the lot, so the reunion was moved to the Frederick area and held behind the Under the Sun bike shop where the OldSchoolFreestyle crew works. Our friends from the infamous Hub City cycles came down from Hagarstown and former GT/Mountain Dew trick team member Butch Cohen came with his riding partner and girlfriend. The only out of state attendee was Pauly from Virginia who I met through the website We pulled out the mini quarter and the wedge ramp from our secret warehouse and rode for close to six hours on what turned out to be a beautiful day weather wise. We covered all the years of flatland from 84' until the present and rode the wedge ramp with the enthusiasim of Dizz. Brain was coming really close to pulling a decade drop-in on the quarter and Steve and I tore up the wedge ramp with our coaster brakes. Gene had his awesome CW Freestyler there and Pauly brought his newly finished Redline RL-20 II for all to see. That bike is HOT! Mark had his newly finished candy apple red Hutch Trickstar on hand and I was riding my Trickstar. Craig busted out with a barrage of tricks from the oldschool and had a run worthy of contest placement. We all got to talk and catch up on the past and talk about what we're doing now involving bikes. We made new friends and reconnected with some old ones. Everyone who attended got a free tape of some Rockville BMX summer tour footage plus some other bonus stuff courtesy of me and we all left with a great feeling of having shared the memories of what was the greatest bike shop around.
From left to right are RobQ, Pauly, Steve, Craig, Gene, Brian, Mark, and Butch.

Here are some pics from the event, there would be many more but we were all riding too much to take lots of pics.

Brain setting up for a cherrypicker drop in Brian taking it in
Brian nailing a tailwhip on the wedge ramp Craig lays down a lawnmower kickturn
Craig shows us what a real cowboy looks like Rob flexing the Z-48's
Rob stalls a lawnmower kickturn as Gene clicks Craigs newest trick, the hand plant to revert
Gene is very cool, so's that bike Rob and Pauly chat without the use of a keyboard
Rob pushes a can-can squeeker Rob rolling a backward infinity roll
Brian represents with a fast hang five in circles Steve stalling one to make Woody proud
Rob once again testing the Z-48's with a tucked bar endo Craig admist a hand switch lawnmower variation
Rob streches for some sky and pays tribute to Dizz
See you there next time?
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