Time has really been flying by these days. It seems like yesterday I was helping Hutch with so many things. Now he's doing so much by himself and walking better everyday. At almost 17 months old, he's mastered using his small vocabulary and other forms of communication to let us know his wants/needs. It's been alot of fun playing with him now that he's so interactive. His favorite toys change all the time, but he's very attached to his toy Truck. No surprise that it's also his favorite thing to say. I'm really happy that he loves to go outside as it breaks up the day and is good for all of us. Take a look at the pics and see for yourself how happy this little guy is.
Singing to his banana Who you lookin' at?
Pasta with red sauce is his favorite food Sticky pasta sounds so good when you clap
Playing outside our house Now if we can just get him a shovel...
HEY YOU! Catching snowflakes
What did you expect? His name is Hutch... Gotta have a good car chase once in awhile
I'm teaching him basketball Naptime with Christine
Charge! Somehow he knows right when to close his eyes
STUMPY pretending to be a tree
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